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What do superheroes do when the camera catches them at an odd or crazy moment? Watch this wild Behind the Scenes to see the Gayvengers giggle, gyrate and goof around in front of and off-camera. Evil Phallos (Damian Dragon) is even subject to a few errant smiles when the lines just don't come out right. Mighty Thor (Sir Jet) practically breaks a hand slapping it down on the conference table at superhero HQ, then does a kooky zombie walk as he scurries off to battle evil.

Thor entertains the troops with a sideshow-worthy dance to a pair of lasers bobbing across his heavy nuts. We see the intrepid director and still photographer guiding the models through their scorching sofa threeway. T'Balla (Max Konnor) works up his massive cock as the Man of Iron (David Ace) looks on incredulously. Muscular Bucky (Axel Kane) pounds the Man of Iron on a work table then cracks up. And Thor-a-go-go is still dancing, booty bobbing to the beat of those two crazy lasers.

Backstage, rockhard dicks pop out of off-camera robes as the guys take a moment of rest and recreation. Max and David can't even get out the first line of their lofty dialogue without breaking out in laughter. And a good time was had by all!