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Lying in bed between two guys is a dream come true, until I realized they weren't the ones who ordered the pizza. I still had a large salami to deliver and I still needed to get dressed. As I was about to leave, this buff guy comes walking up the stairs. I thought maybe he might have ordered the pizza. "I'm the pizza guy and I have a large salami," I said. Next thing you know he grabs me and shows me how big his salami is, and man was it big. "Oh fuck! He's huge," was all I could think about as I took his cock it in my ass. I never thought delivering pizzas would have these benefits. Just think, I have three more large salami's in the car that I still need to deliver. I hope you enjoy the continuation of The Asiancy Season 4 premiere - "Pizza Delivery - Part 2" starring Jessie Lee, and me, Robin Cadiz - the pizza delivery boy.